Tools for the Supplemental Call Review Process
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The Cycle 7 Supplemental Call requires two tools:
the Observing Tool, a downloadable software package which is used by PIs to submit new proposals
the Reviewer Tool, a web interface which is used by Reviewers to submit ranks and reviews during the proposal review process
The Observing Tool can be downloaded here. Instructions specific to Cycle 7 Supplemental Call proposers can be found in the Proposer’s Guide and the main Supplemental Call page.
- Please note that the submission server will be unavailable for a few hours on September 10 and September 25 for scheduled maintenance.
The Reviewer Tool can be accessed by clicking the logo below beginning October 15; note that Reviewers will need to log in with their ALMA credentials. Reviewers will be notified when the process has been opened and the tool is available. A detailed set of instructions describing How to Use the Reviewer Tool can be found here.